Will Ending AIDS Be Possible by 2030?
43 years have passed since the first case of AIDS. Although there have been great advances, there is still work to be done to eliminate it as a public health threat by 2030.
Quarterly injectable PrEP for women?
HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis, better known as PrEP, is the treatment capable of preventing infection by this virus, and is an increasingly accepted strategy to reduce transmission in vulnerable people. However, one population that is highly vulnerable, but has not done well in PrEP research, is cisgender women. That could change with injectable treatment, according to […]
Trans men and their risk for HIV
The history of HIV is full of prejudices about who can and cannot get the virus. The vast majority of these ideas have been wrong, and the only thing they have achieved is to make the problems of some groups invisible. This is the case of trans men, a population that is affected by the […]
HIV activism: the fight is not over yet
HIV activism has been instrumental in the fight against the epidemic. Not only has he defended the rights of people living with the virus, but he has also pushed governments and decision makers to create laws that guarantee those rights, he has opposed violence and has encouraged medical research. However, activism is currently facing new […]
When is it necessary to change ART?
“TARV” or “ARV” are the acronyms used to refer to antiretroviral treatment or therapy, the combination of drugs that people living with HIV take to stay healthy. This occurs because the drugs prevent the replication of the virus and keep it at “undetectable” levels, at a concentration so low that tests cannot detect it and it cannot be transmitted.
The benefits of talking to other people living with HIV
Today, the fight against HIV and AIDS has advanced significantly in terms of research and medical advances. However, positive people still face numerous challenges, such as stigma and discrimination. Every day, life offers us multiple lessons and experiences. Not all of them are easy, and some can be overwhelming. If you are living with HIV, […]
“LIVING TO THE FULLEST: Self-esteem and HIV”
If you are living with HIV and things have been a bit complicated lately, we propose a transformative journey towards self-acceptance. Through a motivating message, we invite you to discover your intrinsic value and empower that hidden super power that allows us to face challenges and improve the relationship you have between self-esteem and HIV in your life. Join us in this column to cultivate the inner strength that will change your world.
Crystal, sex and prevention
El Crystal (metanfetamina), es una sustancia que ha ganado popularidad en los últimos años. Se trata de un estimulante potente que tiene grandes efectos perjudiciales en la salud física y mental. Su impacto es especialmente significativo en personas que viven con VIH. En AHF, tenemos un fiel compromiso con proporcionar información basada en evidencia y […]
The Race to an HIV Cure: Are we Close to?
Desde el descubrimiento del Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH) en la década de los ochenta, el mundo ha estado en una constante carrera contra el tiempo para encontrar una cura definitiva. A lo largo de las décadas, hemos transformado la forma en que tratamos el VIH, convirtiéndo lo que una vez fue considerado una […]
Learn about neurological problems caused by HIV
Aunque es bien sabido que el VIH ataca directamente a ciertas células del sistema inmunológico, a las cuales destruye para replicarse, también se ha observado que la infección puede dañar múltiples órganos y sistemas del cuerpo. El sistema nervioso es uno de los que más afectaciones puede sufrir a causa del VIH, las cuales deterioran […]
People with HIV have their own voice
Cuando un problema de salud tiene tan grandes dimensiones, como es el caso de VIH, se podría llegar a olvidar que su impacto es más que números, y que toca de maneras diferentes personas de todo el mundo. Es por esto que desde el inicio de la respuesta al VIH, emprendida hace 40 años por […]
The day “Magic” Johnson told his wife that he was living with HIV
En 1991, Earvin Magic Johnson era uno de los jugadores más populares de la liga de basquetbol de Estados Unidos. En ese momento, a los 32 años de edad y en la cúspide de su carrera, anunció que se alejaba de las canchas porque había sido diagnosticado con VIH. El impacto de esta revelación fue […]