What you need to know about pelvic inflammatory disease

The importance of preventing and treating sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is not only that they are annoying, but also that they can have long-term consequences and even be an obstacle to a woman’s fertility. Some harmful microorganisms that are sexually transmitted can “climb” up the female reproductive system and into the womb, where they will […]

Were you exposed to HIV? This you should do

After the hard years that the COVID-19 pandemic has left behind, the end of the year celebrations seemed like the perfect time to live again. But if perhaps you took it too intensely and so many toasts led you to an unprotected sexual encounter, here we tell you what you can do in that situation in which you were exposed to HIV.

HIV is a risk for people who inject drugs

Since its emergence as an epidemic, HIV has affected much more groups of the population that were already stigmatized before, and one of them is that of people who use injection drugs. But something that these forty years of the pandemic have taught us is that all people, regardless of their practices, deserve to have […]

Monkeypox is also a women’s problem

MonkeyPox en Mujeres

Although the current outbreak of Monkeypox or mpox is affecting men who have sex with men (MSM) to a greater extent, this is not the only group of the population that is at risk. In the same way that this message has had to be repeated for decades, in connection with the HIV pandemic, anyone […]

Tips for talking to your doctor about a sexual problem

Tips para hablar con tu médico sobre salud sexual

Although they study for many years, not all health professionals are prepared to talk about sexual health. As incredible as it may seem, medical schools don’t spend much time addressing this aspect of human nature, except from a biological perspective. This is why it can be difficult to try to open the conversation on this […]

Are you a Trans person? Keep an eye on HIV

In recent years, HIV statistics have begun to make visible a particularly vulnerable population: transgender people. It has been observed that especially Trans women are exposed to a much higher risk of contracting HIV than any other population. If you are a Trans person living in Latin America, it is very likely that you have […]

Avoid risky sex and enjoy more

Hablar de sexo más seguro

Sexual activity is an aspect of life that we cannot ignore. It is one of the most important components for people’s well-being, which is why its practice is more accepted and discussed today than it was a few decades ago. And although it is an undeniable source of pleasure, it is also true that doing […]

This is what most worries people about their sex life

Preocupaciones sexuales más frecuentes

Sexuality is such a taboo subject that it is difficult to find a space to talk about it comfortably and safely. This is why when we have any questions about this area, we feel that we are the only ones in the world who are experiencing this problem, but nothing is further from the truth. […]

When Testosterone Leaves You

Disminución de testosterona

Testosterone is the sex hormone responsible for men developing masculine sexual characteristics, such as the deepening of the voice, the development of muscles, the growth of facial and body hair and the production of sperm. It is true that testosterone is also present in women, but the amounts are much smaller. On the other hand, […]

Talk to your partner about safer sex

Hablar de sexo más seguro

Sexual activity with a stable partner can provide pleasure, a greater degree of intimacy and even strengthen the commitment that one person feels with the other. However, sometimes we have very fanciful ideas about how these encounters should be, and it is not very often that protection of sexual health appears in the middle of […]

A rape should be treated as a medical emergency

Una violación debe ser tratada como una urgencia médica

A sexual assault is an event that can affect those who experience it in very different ways. Fear, sadness and even guilt are among the many feelings that can arise with violence of this type. The long-term psychological consequences have been identified, although it is important to remember that each person is different and experiences […]

Do you want to be sure? Try sex without penetration

Sexo sin penetración

Information gaps on sex education are filled with myths and stereotypes that distort the way we view sexuality. And one of the most entrenched myths is the one that indicates that sexual intercourse is focused on penetration, either vaginal or anal. If you choose to move away from this prejudice, you will have the opportunity […]